I did think of summarising for the benefit of readers and may yet do this, but having read all the submissions there was such a total disconnect between those supporting and those opposing that I suspect that the DNC and InternetNZ will find it almost impossible to find any consensus.
Because I have a belief in making the Internet more open that goes far beyond my own narrow personal financial interests I decidced to make a submission in favour of the proposal.
BTW: I'm actually writing this the next day, but I've set the timestamp to the closing time for submissions.
For what it's worth, my submission was:
Submission of Bruce Clement to the
Domain Name Commission Limited (DNC) and to Internet New Zealand
Incorporated (InternetNZ) on the proposal to create the unmoderated
second level domain name (2LD) kiwi.nz.
Thank you for the opportunity to
comment on the proposed .kiwi.nz 2LD. According to my blogger.com
profile[1] I self describe as “a Proud Kiwi” (This was filled in
some years back and not in response to this application). I am an
ordinary member of InternetNZ. I have a significant number of domain
names already registered including one matching my surname,
clement.co.nz, and am unlikely to want to register a personal
.kiwi.nz domain name for myself.
According to the policy[2] the criteria
for the creation of a new 2LD in the .nz space are:
- (5.4.1) Represents an identifiable, significant community of interest; where:
- (1.a) significant' can mean either quantitatively or qualitatively; and
- (1.b) the community of interest can be defined in a clear written statement
- (5.4.2) Represents an on-going and long-lived community of interest
- (5.4.3) Does not conflict with, duplicate or cause confusion about, any existing 2LD, and is a useful addition to the current DNS hierarchy
- (4) Uses a name to represent the domain that is an obvious derivative of a word that properly describes the community of interest or a complete word.
- (5) Does not bring the .nz domain name space in disrepute
According to Wikipedia [3]
“the term Kiwi
is used all over the world as the colloquial demonym for New
“The kiwi as a
symbol first appeared in the late 19th century in New Zealand
regimental badges. It was later featured in the badges of the South
Canterbury Battalion in 1886 and the Hastings Rifle Volunteers in
1887. Soon after, the kiwi appeared in many military badges, and in
1906 when Kiwi Shoe Polish was widely sold in the UK and the US the
symbol became more widely known.
“During the
First World War, the name "kiwi" for New Zealand soldiers
came into general use, and a giant kiwi (now known as the Bulford
Kiwi), was carved on the chalk hill above Sling Camp in England. Use
has now spread so that now all New Zealanders overseas and at home
are commonly referred to as "kiwis".
“The kiwi has
since become the most well-known national symbol for New Zealand, and
the bird is prominent in the coat of arms, crests and badges of many
New Zealand cities, clubs and organisations; at the national level,
the red silhouette of a kiwi is in the center of the roundel of the
Royal New Zealand Air Force”
This shows that “Kiwi” is both an
identifiable term for New Zealand people (Requirements 5.4.1,
5.4.1.b, and 5.4.4) and has been used as such for a significant time
(Requirement 5.4.2).
As the people of New Zealand are a
nation of 4.4 million people [4] I believe that this term for New
Zealand people can only be seen as representing a significant
community of interest quantitatively thus meeting requirement I have not heard any suggestion that its use as such is
likely to diminish in the foreseeable future.
Requirement 5.4.3 is “Does not
conflict with, duplicate or cause confusion about, any existing 2LD,
and is a useful addition to the current DNS hierarchy”
Answering first “Does not conflict
with, duplicate or cause confusion about, any existing 2LD”
The existing 2LDs are
..cri.nz, .govt.nz, .health.nz, .iwi.nz, .mil.nz, .parliament.nz and
possibly .bank.nz
.ac.nz, .co.nz, .geek.nz, .gen.nz, .maori.nz/.māori.nz, .net.nz and
.kiwi.nz is for people such as myself
who self describe as kiwis. No other current 2LD fully represents
this community of interest. Some have suggested that .geek.nz
represents all New Zealanders, I would dispute this claim for two
reasons. First, according to the definition of .geek.nz [2] it is
“For people who are concentrative, technically skilled and
imaginative who are generally adept with computers” which
describes a minority of New Zealanders and secondly the word “Geek”
has negative connotations for many people and I can not believe that
more than a small minority of Kiwis would accept a description of
themselves as “geeks”. I would imagine that the majority would
react negatively to having such a label applied to them. As mentioned
above, I self describe as a “Proud Kiwi”. I also proudly self
describe as a “Human”, as a “Geek”, as a “Man” and as a
“Cyclist” a but see these as five very different parts of my
self image. I would imagine that other people who self describe both
as “Geeks” and as “Kiwis” draw a similar line between those
aspects. As explained below, .geek.nz receives less than 0.3% of the
registrations that .co.nz receives while in the United Kingdom and
Australia, two nations we often compare ourselves to, the equivalent
2LDs .me.uk and .id.au receive 1% and 0.6% respectively of the
relevant commercial 2LDs. This suggests that a personal 2LD would be
a very different thing to .geek.nz with between 2 and 3 times the
registration rate.
Another preposterous claim that has
been made during this consultation is that .kiwi.nz overlaps with
.gen.nz. According to the current 2LD document[2], .gen.nz is
“Individuals and other organisations not covered elsewhere”
in other words it is the default 2LD for when there is no 2LD for the
community of interest involved. This means that by definition .gen.nz
overlaps with nearly any proposed 2LD until such time as that 2LD is
created. Once that happens the perceived overlap would be resolved by
.gen.nz's own definition no longer including it. If .gen.nz were to
be accepted as blocking the creation of 2LDs then we would never be
able to create new 2LDs. As we have successfully created .health.nz,
.geek.nz and .iwi.nz since .gen.nz was created it is obvious that it
can not be considered as blocking the creation of other 2LDs.
Some people have claimed that the
existence of a “kiwi” Top Level Domain name (TLD) outside of the
.nz space creates such an overlap. This point of the policy is
specifically about “any existing 2LD” and as a TLD is not a 2LD,
TLDs should not be seen as creating a block on creating new 2LDs in
the .nz space. If TLDs could block the creation of 2LDs, we could not
have .net.nz (.net), .org.nz (.org), .co.nz (.co) or .ac.nz (.ac). In
any case there is, at time of writing, no .kiwi TLD, merely a
proposal that one be created.
The final part of the question that
needs to be considered is that the proposed 2LD “Does not bring the
.nz domain name space in disrepute”. As reported above “the term
Kiwi is used all over the world as the colloquial demonym for New
Zealanders” including by Kiwis. I fail to see how any reasonable
person could conclude that creating a 2LD for New Zealanders using a
term that we use for ourselves can be seen as bringing the .nz domain
name space into disrepute.
.nz domains are subject to New Zealand
law and disputes about them are resolved either according to the
DNC's DRS procedures or by New Zealand courts where in both cases
rules of fairness and due process apply while the new ICANN TLDs will
be required to be subject to US laws and courts and to the UDRP
including allowing plaintiffs to engage in jurisdiction shopping and
other unfair practices. It has been suggested that creating .kiwi.nz
given the proposed existence of the TLD “.kiwi” would bring .nz
into disrepute (presumably by association with .kiwi, UDRP and
elected judges). As .kiwi.nz gives New Zealand registrants the option
to remain under New Zealand law and have their disputes resolved
according to due process, I would argue that the opposite applies and
the creation of .kiwi.nz would bring the .nz domain name space into
even better repute.
Some people have claimed that to
protect their trademarks they would feel obliged to register the
.kiwi.nz matching their existing .co.nz domain name. If they believe
this, they disagree with 99.72% of .co.nz registrants. The logic
behind this statement is that according to the DNC statistics[5] at
the end of April 2012 there were 417,188 .co.nz domain names
registered and only 1148 .geek.nz domain names (0.28% of the .co.nz
When considering if .kiwi.nz would have
a significant community of interest it is useful to ask the question
“What would the likely uptake of .kiwi.nz be?” It is difficult to
predict the future, and the uptake will depend to an extent on how
heavily the new 2LD is promoted but some useful comparisons can be
drawn from 2LDs with a similar purpose in similar countries and from
the uptake of .geek.nz, the previous unmoderated .nz 2LD created.
According to the DNC newsletters from
September 2003[6] and October 2003[7], .geek.nz became available in
August 2003 and received 492 registrations in August 2003 with a
further 102 in September 2003 (less one expiry) meaning that by the
end of its second month there were 593 .geek.nz domains, slightly
under half the number existing now some nine years later. In the most
recent DNC statistics there were only 6 more .geek.nz domains
registered at the end of the month compared to the start
(registrations less expired domains), 0.21% of the change in .co.nz
The Nominet statistics [8] show that
their equivalent .me.uk receives registrations at about 1% of the
rate of .co.uk. The Australian statistics [9] aren't quite as easy to
compare to the .nz statistics but show that .id.au receives
registrations at about 0.62% of the .com.au 2LD.
Taking these comparisons together I
feel we would likely receive a few hundred registrations in the first
month of availability with an ongoing increase of between 17 (0.62%
of .co.nz) and 28 (1% of .co.nz) per month.
If we conservatively assume 400
registrations in the first month of availability, with .geek.nz
increasing at the same 6 per month it achieved in April 2012[5] then
28 registrations per month would see .kiwi.nz having more registered
domain names than .geek.nz after 36 months while 17 registrations per
month would see .kiwi.nz becoming larger than .geek.nz after 71
months. Thus answering the second half of Requirement 5.4.3 “is
a useful addition to the current DNS hierarchy”
According to section 3.2 of the
policy[2] “Under normal circumstances if a group of
individuals or organisations can demonstrate that they both meet
the criteria set out in this policy that define a community of
interest and they meet all of the conditions that may be imposed
under this policy, then they can reasonably expect to be
able to create a 2LD to reflect their community of interest.[emphasis
mine]” I believe that this requirement has been met and
Kiwis can reasonably expect to be able to create a 2LD to reflect our
community of interest.
For the above reasons I support the
creation of .kiwi.nz and recommend it to the DNC and to the
InternetNZ council.
Bruce Clement
New Zealand
29 May 2012
My Blogspot profile
Domain Name Commission / InternetNZ: Second Level Domains policy.
[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiwi
Wikipedia page “Kiwi”
Statistics New Zealand: Estimated resident population of New Zealand
Domain Name Commission: monthly statistics April 2012
Domain Name Commission: newsletter September 2003
Domain Name Commission newsletter October 2003
Nominet: .uk registration statistics
Aus Registry: .au registration statistics.
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